Judges in New Zealand are not required to give reasons for decisions -
- R v Awatere [1982] 1 NZLR 644
- Lewis
v Wilson & Horton Ltd [2000] 3 NZLR 546 (CA)
- Butterworths
Student Companion Public Law 4th ed, 2006 pp 116-118
International law -
- Article 2(2) of the ICCPR provides that New Zealand is in violation
of its international obligations for failing to adopt such laws or other measures as may be necessary to give effect
to the rights recognized in the present Covenant: Where not already provided for by existing legislative or other measures,
each State Party to the present Covenant undertakes to take the necessary steps, in accordance with its constitutional processes
and with the provisions of the present Covenant, to adopt such laws or other measures as may be necessary to give effect
to the rights recognized in the present Covenant.